It is flu season!! Fight it!
There has been a lot of talk in the news lately about the flu, so I thought that it would be fitting to start off with some home remedies...
Point and Herb of the week: Zu San Li and Huang Qi
Acupuncture Point of the week: ST 36, Zu San Li, Leg Three Miles The meaning behind this point is meant to imply that if you are...
The Secret to Preventing a Cold
It is still cold and flu season, and it seems like we might be here for a little bit longer. Here is a new recipe and a few tips to...
Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
This post has nothing to do with what one would call a "health related" topic, but I think that the dedication and devotion that Martin...
Mama Summit
Mom's Clean Airt Force is partnering with groups from across Ohio for Mama Summit 2014. Mama Summit will bring Ohioans together to show...