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Good morning to all! 

It has been a strange week, filled with uncertainty and rapid changes.

There is so much information circulating regarding CoViD-19 that I am not going to spend time rehashing it. I have posted several things regarding this virus and continue to watch the reports, statistics and treatment options, so please look back if you need to or subscribe to my newsletter for some prevention suggestions.





I still maintain that prevention is one of the best things that we can do and that means making sure that we have supplies stocked not just for food but for medications and supplements.


The herbal and nutraceutical supplements are what I am going to touch on today. Clinical trials for medications to fight CoViD-19 are underway with a couple promising options. High dose IV Vitamin C was used in China with some benefit. Chinese herbal formulas along with western medical treatments were also used in China with very positive results. When I talk about integrative care, this is one of the things I am talking about. Use the best from all treatment options available. Prevention is the best place to start.

There are things you can have on hand and do at home to increase your resistance to this (and other) infections.


  • Vitamin D.

  • Zinc. I have both liquid and capsules in the office and can also order some for you. 

  • Vitamin C. I like this brand because it is not artificial in origin. It is actual vitamin C.

  • Viral Prevention formulas that contain olive leaf extract. This is my go to. I have had it work very well at the onset of illnesses.

  • Sleep. Lots of it.

  • Minimal to no sugar.

  • Moderate exercise (outside) every day. Do not go to the gym or exercise classes.

  • Use the neti pot or any other nasal wash regularly.

  • Essential oils like tea tree, clove, rosemary, and oil of oregano for cleaning and diffusing.

  • Vinegar for cleaning has NOT been shown to kill CoViD-19. Use either a diluted hydrogen peroxide mixture (never full strength) or a diluted bleach mixture with the oils in it if you are not using a store bought cleaner.

  • Meal plan and group your outings. This means pick a day for stocking up and get it all done at once. Help your neighbor.

  • Have a months supply of medications, etc at home. If you haven't already done this, do it now. This is so you do not have to stand in lines when you don't want to be. Not because we need to be panicking. If you can handle the extra cost, make a list and order it on Amazon or online.

  • Please contact me for info on how Chinese herbs can help during this time. I am very specifically NOT mentioning formulas because I only have one formula that I would recommend as a blanket prevention. There has been a lot of talk, research and information sharing regarding Chinese herbal formulas used in the various stages of this illness. I have been in conversations with herbal pharmacies around town and they are prepared to make the appropriate formula based on the stage of illness and pattern differentiation.


Little Owl Medicine is open regular hours at this time.

We are increasing cleaning measures, have increased spacing between patients to account for cleaning and sanitizing and am willing to provide supplements and herbal formulas based on need. 

If hours become more restricted I will always be available for herbs, supplements and support via phone, email and text. Please contact me if you need anything. 


We will get through this together.  




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